If you were a famous fictional robot, you would be



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Here are all the results with descriptions

Bender Bending Rodriguez (Futurama)

Like Bender, you are a down to earth hero. Although you may appear to nonchalantly breeze through life without a care for anything but yourself, you have a big heart hidden behind your cynical, self-centered exterior, and your friends know that you are incredibly loyal and can be brave to the point of recklessness.

Marvin the Paranoid Android (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy)

Here you are, brain the size of a planet,and you are taking an internet quiz? Like Marvin, you may occasionally feel your talents are underutilized and your genius underappreciated, but this is the burden of being a genius in a world that celebrates mediocrity. Do not let your immense intelligence and deep sensitivity become a burden. Go out there and seek excitement, adventure, and really wild things!


Despite his humble job description, Wall-E is actually one of the greatest of all robots. He is intelligent, sentient, and seeks more than his predetermined destiny. Like Wall-E, you know there is more out there than the daily routine of work, eat, and sleep, and you are determined to go out there and chase your dreams.

The Terminator

Like the Terminator, you have a superhuman interior hidden beneath your regular human exterior. You are clear in your life mission. You are not going to let anything or anyone stand in the way of accomplishing the task you have set out to do, but be wary of appearing emotionless and ruthless in the pursuit of your goals. You are not really a cyborg, and Skynet doesn't control your actions! (You have no excuses!)

HAL 9000 (2001 A Space Odyssey)

You are logical and rational in your actions, and your ability for micromanagement is undisputed. You can, and do, take care of everything, and your life is smooth and well organized. Like HAL, you might consider yourself foolproof and incapable of error, but remember that even genius computers can malfunction on occasion!

R2D2 (Star Wars)

Like R2D2, you are always ready to head out on an adventure and love learning new things and having new experiences. Your friends are likely to describe you as extremely loyal and thoughtful, and possibly even cute and adorable!

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