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Here are all the results with descriptions

a Dreamer

You're a true idealist and romantic combined - the world fascinates you, and you never hesitate to question and challenge what you see. You are bold in style and mind, and willing to engage in some good old fashioned rebellion if it's for the greater good. You may be a natural born contrarian, but the truth is that you're driven by a desire to see everyone live up to their highest potential.

a Flirt

You're almost always donning a big smile and are known for having a good sense of humor. Because you are naturally open-minded and positive, it leads you to making spontaneous and sometimes risky decisions. Your moods are tempered by an even sense of reason and you know when you need to take things seriously.

a Pessimist

You're a bit hard-edged for some, but in your mind you are simply a realist and that's why you have a somewhat resigned outlook on life sometimes. Like the Dreamer, you're also driven by love, but instead of optimism you feel a disappointment when people fail to meet your expectations. You definitely have a soft spot and are tender-hearted, but let's just say no one wants to catch you on a bad day.

a Giver

You're the kind of person people say would give the shirt off their back to someone in need. You have a nurturing, kind energy that causes you to worry and fuss over others' wellbeing, but you sometimes forget that you can't pour from an empty cup, so to speak, and find yourself worn out because you've forgotten to tend to your own needs.

a Taker

You've been criticized for being a bit of a mooch in the past, admit it (we all have), but don't forget that it's always nice to pay back for our good fortune now and again. You are good company and know how to have fun, so people love to be around you as long as you share the spotlight with others around you.

That Guy

Hate to break it to you but you are 'That Guy.' Too loud at the party, crude at the wrong times, and generally a huge personality that can dominate situations and spaces. Some people love this about you, but others feel silenced by your demeanor, thus earning the 'that guy' badge. You have a good heart, no one's denying that, but could expand your social graces a smudge.

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