Category: Living    Tags: #Living #Personality

Your Nose Falls Into The Category of



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Here are all the results with descriptions


You have a delicate nose. It is small and dainty. It is usually considered one of the most desirable noses. It may also be called a button nose. It probably matches the rest of your facial features, which are a little bit smaller.


This nose is pretty unique. It looks rather average at the top and then when it gets to the end it has a large rounded part. It looks very soft and friendly and makes you seem approachable and easy to talk to.


Your nose is straight and then ends in a point. This nose is similar to the Grecian nose except for the point. This type of nose can also end in a small point or a larger point. Many people now contour their nose to look pointed.

Turned Up Nose

This nose is straight at the top, and then at the bottom, the end appears to turn up. This may be called a 'pig-like' nose. It is often very cute and makes a person look younger. It also usually comes with gorgeous big lips!


This type of nose is known mostly for its bridge. At the bridge of the nose, there is a large bump that protrudes outwards. Instead of the bump ever really coming back down the nose just gets slightly bigger.


This type of nose appears very flat on the face. Most times it is wide. The bridge is virtually nonexistent. It also usually has a rounded or bulbous end. This nose looks very youthful and softens the face.

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