Category: Entertainment    Tags: #Personality

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Here are all the results with descriptions

Knock-Knock Jokes

Short and sweet knock-knock jokes are your sweet spot. You're good with delivery, and most knock-knock jokes are all about commitment and how you tell it. Plus, you're likely to crack up at the punchline yourself and your laughter is contagious to those around you. You're jovial and just like to make people smile, so you prefer to just keep it clean with some good, traditional humor.

Dirty Jokes

Some people can tell dirty jokes and make people laugh, while others are more likely to just seem creepy. You can pull it off, so don't be afraid to get a little dicey. Of course, you can't avoid offending people all the time'there's always one person who's a little too uptight. But if you try to get too intellectual or cutesy, it just isn't likely to come out right'so when all else fails, stick with a good ol' 'that's what she said' joke.

Short Story Jokes

You know how to hold the room's attention and take your time with a joke or a funny story. You're not always up for it, but when you decide to entertain the room, people love it. Sometimes people want you to repeat jokes you've told them because your delivery is that great! It's less about the joke and more about your presence. Keep it up. We don't have too many great storytellers these days.

Side-of-the-Mouth Sarcastic Jokes

You're funny and you know it. Nonetheless, you don't like to speak up loudly in large groups because you just don't need all of that attention. So, you're the master of the side-of-the-mouth sarcasm. It surprises people who don't know you well, makes those within earshot burst out laughing inappropriately, and all the while you can keep a straight face like nobody's business.

Self-Deprecating Jokes

You know yourself well and you're not afraid to poke fun of your worst qualities. We all have our problematic traits and why not laugh at them? You'd rather make fun of yourself than someone else so self-deprecating humor is perfect for you. It makes people around you more comfortable and can make you seem more likable since you're willing to address your flaws. Don't take it too far though, then it can seem insecure and people might start only seeing you for your flaws!

Online Jokes

Not everyone likes to tell jokes in groups and that's okay! You're really funny though, so you should focus on getting your humor out there online. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram'wherever you prefer. Everyone expects their daily dose of humor from the Internet, whether it's a meme or their friends' musings'so people appreciate your ability to spew out humor from the keyboard just as much as they appreciate their friends who tell a great in-person joke.

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