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Here are all the results with descriptions

The Next Tech Billionaire!

You, my friend, have got what it takes to be the next big thing to hit the Silicon Valley since Google. Whether you use your talents to set turn those big ideas into action, or let them waste away into nothingness is completely up to you. You've got the right personality, leadership qualities, creativity and intelligence to make it happen, so why not make it happen? It's time to think big!

Not the Next Tech Billionaire

Unfortunately, you're probably not going to be making any big waves in the tech world in this lifetime. Why not? Well, for starters, tech billionaires aren't exactly a dime a dozen, and you're either not very innovative, or entrepreneurial, or brilliantly creative in the way that real tech billionaires are. Or maybe you are those things, but you're just not into tech. Relax, you can still be a normal billionaire! There are a billion ways to make a billion dollars that have nothing to do with technology. Ever heard of Spanx?

Not the Next Tech Billionaire

Unfortunately, you're probably not going to be making any big waves in the tech world in this lifetime. Why not? Well, for starters, tech billionaires aren't exactly a dime a dozen, and you're either not very innovative, or entrepreneurial, or brilliantly creative in the way that real tech billionaires are. Or maybe you are those things, but you're just not into tech. Relax, you can still be a normal billionaire! There are a billion ways to make a billion dollars that have nothing to do with technology. Ever heard of Spanx?

Not the Next Tech Billionaire

Unfortunately, you're probably not going to be making any big waves in the tech world in this lifetime. Why not? Well, for starters, tech billionaires aren't exactly a dime a dozen, and you're either not very innovative, or entrepreneurial, or brilliantly creative in the way that real tech billionaires are. Or maybe you are those things, but you're just not into tech. Relax, you can still be a normal billionaire! There are a billion ways to make a billion dollars that have nothing to do with technology. Ever heard of Spanx?





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