Category: Personality    Tags: #Fear

What's Your Secret Phobia?
Question 1 out of 29

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What's Your Secret Phobia?

Are you afraid of clowns? Do you have a fear of dogs, no matter how big or small? You might have a phobia, which is an extreme fear or dislike of something.

Sometimes, you have a secret fear for a reason that makes sense. Like if a snake bites you, it would not be hard to understand why you developed ophidiophobia, or the fear of snakes. But maybe you just hate clowns (coulrophobia)! Or the sight of large objects, such as buildings, gives you the willies! That's megalophobia. As you can tell, it doesn't have to make any sense.

This test is just for fun, but it still might surprise you when it reveals your super, secret phobia! If you agree with the answer, perhaps you will learn something new about yourself. If you totally disagree, share it with your friends and see what they think.

What is my phobia, you ask? We have the answers! Maybe your secret phobia is so hidden that even you don't know about it yet!

At the end of the test, you will get your personalized results based on your responses. You will also get to see a pie chart showing the other types of phobias and what percentage of the test takers got each type of phobia. Enjoy!



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