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Psychological Facts About Men

Wondering if you know all there is to know about men? Do you ever wonder about their psychological facts? Then it's time to dig through some of the most important.

Men Aren’t All About Sowing Oats

We know the line. Women want marriage, and men want to sow their wild oats forever. Only, that’s not actually true. As it turns out sowing wild oats, better known as wanting to sleep around without commitment, is something non specific to gender. Women do it too.

Furthermore, it all depends on the person, regardless of gender. One person may absolutely loathe the idea of getting married, while another may love the idea. One person may want to sleep around, no strings attached, but another will only sleep with established romantic partners.

Plus, there is such a thing as the promiscuity gene, which is 100% real. A whopping 40% of the population has it, which is a pretty high number. And those people have a harder time not cheating.

That being said, most men aged 30 or older tend to want to settle down, not sleep around. And if they don’t have that gene, well, you have yourself a keeper!

They Respect Established Chains of Command

When there’s an unstable hierarchy, men get anxious. But when there’s an established chain of command, like that of the military, for instance, it will actually reduce testosterone and curb aggression.

It’s the whole reason why boys as old as 6 will put others down. They want to establish dominance, because it’s better to be aggressive than a pushover in male land.

If a guy were to work in an environment where the boss is a poor leader, and the higher ups failed to communicate or manage projects effectively, he would become much more unruly and defiant in the company’s regulations and project approaches.

Older Men Have Less to Prove

Maybe it’s because they have lived a lifetime of competition and defiance, with the pecking order and all, but older gentlemen tend to be much less aggressive about their power and status. In fact, they pay more attention to relationships and bettering their community.

There’s also the fact that testosterone levels decline as a man ages. And that can change a lot about your personality!

That being said, don’t assume that all men are terrible because of testosterone, and then one day when they’re old, they’re suddenly great gentlemen. At the end of the day, personalities differ person to person, regardless of gender. If a man is a brute, he will likely be a brute for life. But if a guy is kinder and more gentlemanly in his youth, he will only continue to soften up later on in life. Likewise, it’s entirely possible to be terrible in youth, then learn many hard lessons throughout life, and wind up a sweet old man. Anything’s possible!

Daddy-Playing Does Wonders

Evolution has favored involved dads. Without knowing it, dads have a very specific way of playing with their kids, including rough-housing and teasing. And what this does is actually prepare their children for the real world. It builds confidence, helps them learn better, and even helps them intelligently determine when to be wary of others.

All of this means that men are evolved to help a child discover how to stay safe in the real world, even long after they fly the coop.

Psychologically, dads are programmed to do this. It instinctively happens. So next time you see a dad spontaneously teasing his child, know that they are providing a great service!

They’re Not Unemotional, They’re Just Fixers

Women are largely recognized as being more empathetic than their male counterparts. But that’s not actually true. Studies show that men register when someone is stressed or expressing a problem. They don’t like it, and they do worry about it, much like women.

The key difference here, and the reason for so much miscommunication on the matter, is that the men’s “fix it” region of the brain takes over quickly. Rather than wallow in feelings about it, they have a moment of recognition and empathy, and then quickly begin to think of ways to resolve the situation.

Loneliness Is Felt On A Whole Other Level

That’s right, although everyone is prone to feelings of loneliness and isolation, men actually feel it much more deeply. That’s largely because men tend to reach out less than women. That means women are better at forming healthy bonds with others, making friends, staying in touch, etc.

And so, men will sit there and think about their loneliness, and think about maybe reaching out to others, but will eventually opt for something easier, like watching TV, or playing a video game instead.

Meanwhile, when a woman feels lonely, she will actually reach out to people to remedy that situation. Essentially, use common sense: if you’re feeling alone, talk to someone so you’re not alone.

That’s why living with women is extra helpful for men. Men in stable relationships have better health, live longer, and have less anxiety and stress than those who are living alone.

More Emotional

That’s right, men are actually more emotional than women! Infant boys are more emotionally receptive than girls. And as adults, men feel far more emotional than women.

The reason there’s a misconception is that when a man becomes consciously aware of his feelings, he is inclined to suppress those feelings. The poker face comes out.

This is entirely because as a society, we’ve conditioned men to believe that expressing emotions is unmanly. If they are to survive, lead fulfilling lives, and adhere to a stable pecking order, then they have to keep adhering to whatever society says. And if society says men can’t cry, then they will continue to cry behind closed doors as much as possible.

Perhaps take this time to analyze the men close to you, to reach out to them and see if they’re doing okay. Even something as simple as spending time with them, or giving them a phone call, is enough to keep anxious thoughts and feelings of loneliness at bay. Since they don’t naturally reach out to others as much as they should, try giving them a hand.

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