resultsText=[]; resultsText[0]="Glue!"; resultsText[1]="Solvent!"; resultsText[2]=""; resultsText[3]=""; resultsText[4]=""; resultsText[5]=""; resultsText[6]=""; resultsText[7]=""; resultsDesc=[]; resultsDesc[0]="You work hard to resolve issues for your own relationships as well as others. You are a great communicator, and you value your friends. You are also trustworthy and reliable. You never gossip, and you are great at keeping secrets. You are, for sure, relationship glue!"; resultsDesc[1]="You may find that you have a hard time keeping lovers and friends. You have a hard time expressing your feelings, and you have an ever harder time keeping a secret! It isn't that you are mean or have bad intentions; it is just who you are. You seem to mess things up even before you realize they had really been going well."; resultsDesc[2]=""; resultsDesc[3]=""; resultsDesc[4]=""; resultsDesc[5]=""; resultsDesc[6]=""; resultsDesc[7]=""; pictures=[]; pictures[0]=""; pictures[1]=""; pictures[2]=""; pictures[3]=""; pictures[4]=""; pictures[5]=""; pictures[6]=""; pictures[7]=""; quizName = "Are You Relationship Glue Or Solvent?";