resultsText=[]; resultsText[0]="100% Ready to Have a Baby!"; resultsText[1]="80% Ready to Have a Baby!"; resultsText[2]="50% Ready to Have a Baby!"; resultsText[3]="25 % Ready to Have a Baby!"; resultsText[4]="100% Not Ready to Have a Baby"; resultsText[5]=""; resultsText[6]=""; resultsText[7]=""; resultsDesc=[]; resultsDesc[0]="You're absolutely ready to go through the life-changing, physically and mentally exhausting and ultra-rewarding experience of becoming a parent. You see having kids as an honor and a privilege, and are prepared mentally, physically, and financially for the challenge. If this is something you really want, you should read as many pregnancy and parenting books as you can before it's time to welcome your little one!"; resultsDesc[1]="You are almost completely ready to have a baby. You know a lot about children and the idea of having one of your own is an exciting concept. You might not have figured out all of the logistics about how to get your life prepared enough to welcome a baby in it, but if this is something you think you want, you should go for it and let everything fall into place. Take some time to read pregnancy, infant and child development books before making the decision, in order to be even more prepared for the changes that come with having a baby."; resultsDesc[2]="You are 50% ready to have a baby, and 50% not. This probably means that you're pretty undecided about what you really want in life, and you should take some more time to enjoy your freedom, sleep, and adult activities before taking the plunge."; resultsDesc[3]="You are 25% ready to have a baby! In other words, you should really try to avoid having a baby as much as you can. For now, you should enjoy your freedom and keep improving yourself in every way you can, and then reevaluate your priorities and goals in a couple of years to see if having a baby is something you might want to do."; resultsDesc[4]="You are not at ALL ready to have a baby. Obviously, having a baby is not something you want to do, so this is probably great news for you. Children are not for everyone, so don't let anyone make you feel bad for choosing to focus on yourself instead. You might want to reevaluate yourself in a few years though, just to see if your priorities include having children at some point in the future."; resultsDesc[5]=""; resultsDesc[6]=""; resultsDesc[7]=""; pictures=[]; pictures[0]=""; pictures[1]=""; pictures[2]=""; pictures[3]=""; pictures[4]=""; pictures[5]=""; pictures[6]=""; pictures[7]=""; quizName = "Are You Ready to Have a Baby?";