resultsText=[]; resultsText[0]="Too Perfect!"; resultsText[1]="Perfect"; resultsText[2]="Almost Perfect"; resultsText[3]="Chill"; resultsText[4]="A Rebel"; resultsText[5]="A Hot Mess"; resultsText[6]=""; resultsText[7]=""; resultsDesc=[]; resultsDesc[0]="Chill out and make a mistake once in a while. You'll feel much better!"; resultsDesc[1]="You're perfect. That's a tall order. Better mess up now and then so that you don't get yourself stuck on a pedestal!"; resultsDesc[2]="It is a great place to be. You still have an edge, but everything else is rosy."; resultsDesc[3]="You're not perfect, but you do keep up with things. You're probably a lot of fun. You also know when something is worth your time and when it's not--and how to tell the difference. You'll probably go far!"; resultsDesc[4]="You're not perfect, and you don't care! You'd rather be imperfect and unique than perfect and boring."; resultsDesc[5]="Good for you. You may not have it all together, but at least you're fun and interesting!"; resultsDesc[6]=""; resultsDesc[7]=""; pictures=[]; pictures[0]=""; pictures[1]=""; pictures[2]=""; pictures[3]=""; pictures[4]=""; pictures[5]=""; pictures[6]=""; pictures[7]=""; quizName = "Are You Perfect?";