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Here are all the results with descriptions


Vampires are sinister, self-serving creatures, but they are also exceedingly intelligent. The long life spans of vampires allow them to gain a lot of experience, and the chance to move around to avoid detection. Your attraction to the night and darkness means that you would be an excellent vampire.


Elves are usually seen as very lovely, spritely creatures with a general ambivalence to humans, though they can choose to either be helpful or hurtful to us if they wish. They have many different moods and a mysterious way of life, and their celebration of nature and youth appeals to your adaptable side. A few seconds in the life of an elf can be many years in the world of humans.


Kraken are larger than life and can cause huge water disasters with the merest movement of their tentacles. They live deep undersea and plagued sailors along the coast of Scandinavia in antiquity. Their massive size and mysterious existence are captivating to anyone interested in the deep sea and ancient folklore.


Unicorns are beautiful, elusive creatures that cannot be tamed except in the most tricky of ways. Not just anyone can get close to these prideful creatures, and that is why you would make a perfect Unicorn. When they are captured, they have healing properties and connect us to other dimensions and worlds.


Greedy, spiteful, and malevolent, dragons are one of the most feared mythological creatures. Their presence can indicate bad news for humans, agriculture, and weather. Though some cultures - for instance Chinese - reveres dragons as a lucky symbol, many others portray them as more of a mixed or moody temperament and intolerant of humans.


Sometimes seen as drunken fools, centaurs are nonetheless described as very loyal and honorable when they are not off their faces at a party!They symbolize indulgence in passion, prophecy, and chaos.

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