resultsText=[]; resultsText[0]="It's A Wonderful Life"; resultsText[1]="Jaws"; resultsText[2]="The Wizard of Oz"; resultsText[3]="The Shawshank Redemption"; resultsText[4]="Star Wars"; resultsText[5]="Forrest Gump"; resultsText[6]=""; resultsText[7]=""; resultsDesc=[]; resultsDesc[0]="You are sweet and sentimental and there are very few people who don't want to see you, at least once a year. You are particularly popular around Christmas time. You reaffirm the belief that goodness prevails. You remind people that they can make a difference in the lives of those around them, no matter where they happen to be. A good life isn't necessarily a big life or even an important one."; resultsDesc[1]="You are entertaining, riveting even. You are also absolutely terrifying. In fact, many people have developed an aversion to water precisely because of you. Some people will go out of their way to avoid you at all costs. But others just can't get enough of you."; resultsDesc[2]="Cheerful and sweet, you're a real crowd pleaser. Highly musical, you are apt to burst into song at the drop of a hat. It's taken you a while to realize this about yourself but you are brave, smart, and kind. Although you've had wanderlust in the past, you now realize that there' no place like home. Fashion tip: You look best in bright colours!"; resultsDesc[3]="You may be somewhat dark and serious but, underneath all that you are filled with hope. You never give up, no matter how bad the situation looks. And it pays off for you. You inspire others with your perseverance.You are secretly a big ol' softy."; resultsDesc[4]="You're exciting and funny. What's more, you understand that there is a natural force that surrounds us all and binds the universe together. This force can be used for good or for evil. Always remember to use it for good! Although you're a bit dated now, you were quite visually stunning in your heyday."; resultsDesc[5]="You have enormous heart. You've been around the block a few times -- and you're always willing to try anything once. Against the odds, you've experienced a lot of success. Your friends adore your sweet, caring nature. You're a big fan of chocolate!"; resultsDesc[6]=""; resultsDesc[7]=""; pictures=[]; pictures[0]=""; pictures[1]=""; pictures[2]=""; pictures[3]=""; pictures[4]=""; pictures[5]=""; pictures[6]=""; pictures[7]=""; quizName = "What Movie Are You?";