resultsText=[]; resultsText[0]="Gnome"; resultsText[1]="Fairy"; resultsText[2]="Unicorn"; resultsText[3]="Wizard"; resultsText[4]="Dragon"; resultsText[5]="Phoenix"; resultsText[6]=""; resultsText[7]=""; resultsDesc=[]; resultsDesc[0]="You can appear rough on the outside, and have trouble knowing how to help, but those who know you find you a steadfast and loyal friend."; resultsDesc[1]="Creative and playful, you bring a breath of fresh air even to the tensest situations. You might be shy at first, but you are lighthearted and love to laugh, and those around you find your joy contagious."; resultsDesc[2]="Your life is structured and uncomplicated. Your friends look up to you as an example of moral purity, and your character leaves a long-lasting impression of majesty with all who come in contact with you."; resultsDesc[3]="Reserved and cryptic, you do not easily let others see your emotions. However, you are known for your power and your great wisdom."; resultsDesc[4]="While some might be intimidated by your strength and power, your abilities give you the courage and ability to face even the toughest situations. Whoever has you for a friend is lucky indeed."; resultsDesc[5]="Friends and strangers alike look to you for hope and healing. Your strength and courage are coupled with tenderness, enabling you to bring comfort and hope to the hurting."; resultsDesc[6]=""; resultsDesc[7]=""; pictures=[]; pictures[0]=""; pictures[1]=""; pictures[2]=""; pictures[3]=""; pictures[4]=""; pictures[5]=""; pictures[6]=""; pictures[7]=""; quizName = "Which Fairytale Creature Are You?";